
Clear messages and content-driven marketing with a purpose, plan, and follow-through.

Clear messages and content-driven marketing with plan, purpose and follow-through.

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Help Your Customers Visualize a Great Experience
Help Your Customers Visualize a Great Experience

In 2007, two roommates were having trouble paying their rent, so they blew up some inflatable mattresses, put them down in their living room, and promoted that as a bed and breakfast. Those air mattresses are the reason "AirBnB" is called "AirBnb." As the AirBnB idea...

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Creating, Showcasing, and Amplifying Experiences
Creating, Showcasing, and Amplifying Experiences

As creators and sellers of products and services, we are driven to perfect our craft. We promote the value of our products, and the depth of our expertise. Those things are important. But by also focusing on experiences, we can unlock new opportunities for...

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Sharing industry insight and expertise
Sharing industry insight and expertise

The final principal in “Filling SEATS” is sharing industry insight and expertise. 62% of B2B buyers say that a web search is one of the first three resources they use to learn about a solution. In fact, in a different study, 94% of buyers reported using online...

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Telling a Clear Story
Telling a Clear Story

“Marketing used to be advertising. Now, marketing is everything you do. And what you do either adds to the experience or takes away from it.”  Seth Godwin We all know what we know, but more importantly “we don’t know what we don’t know” and that is where telling our...

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Automating Your Processes
Automating Your Processes

One of the challenges as a small business owner is that you have to market and sell yourself AND deliver your product or service. Time is your worst enemy. You need to find ways to streamline processes, and leverage tools to help you follow-up on inquiries and keep...

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Engaging with Relationship Marketing
Engaging with Relationship Marketing

A strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement – Relationship Marketing. There are a number of ways that you can engage with your prospects, and followers. If you are successfully driving traffic to your website, and you have a...

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